At NordBau: Successful presentation

ARJES Impaktor GmbH at NordBau

Successful presentation of the Impaktor 250 EVO II and the new Impaktor 850

The NordBau trade fair is one of the most important construction and construction machinery trade fairs in Northern Europe and offers a perfect platform to present the latest technologies and innovations in the industry. This year, ARJES Impaktor GmbH was proud to be represented at the trade fair with two of our most important sales partners. Both Oppermann and MVD presented the Impaktor 250 EVO II, our flagship model in the field of shredding technology.
Two stands, one goal: shredding technology at the highest level
Our machines were represented at two prominent locations at NordBau. On the open-air grounds north, stand N138, the company Oppermann & Fuss presented the Impaktor 250 EVO II. At the same time, the MVD company presented the same machine on the open-air area West, stand W126. This enabled us to address a broad group of visitors and show interested parties the full range of our innovative technology.
The Impaktor 250 EVO II has established itself as one of the most flexible and powerful shredding machines on the market. Its ability to efficiently process even the hardest materials such as concrete, scrap or rubble makes it the ideal choice for construction companies, recycling companies and demolition companies. At NordBau, visitors were able to see the machine up close and see its impressive performance for themselves.
World first: The Impaktor 850 – Great demand for our new innovation
In addition to the presentation of the Impaktor 250 EVO II, there was another exciting premiere this year. For the first time, we had brochures of the new Impaktor 850 at the trade fair. This world first attracted great interest, and many visitors took the opportunity to find out about the technical details and possible applications of this revolutionary machine.
The Impaktor 850 is about to be launched on the market and promises to redefine the shredding technology segment once again. With even higher performance and improved efficiency, the Impaktor 850 is aimed at companies that need to process larger quantities of difficult-to-shred materials. Demand for this machine was enormous at the trade fair, which shows that the market is ready for such innovations.
Cooperation with our dealers: A strong network
Our presence at NordBau would not have been possible without the close cooperation with our dealers Oppermann and MVD. Both partners have many years of experience in the sales of construction machinery and have been instrumental in helping us to present our technology to a wide audience at the trade fair. Positioning at two different locations on the exhibition grounds enabled us to address a larger group of visitors and present our machines in different contexts.
Conclusion: A successful appearance at NordBau
ARJES Impaktor GmbH’s appearance at the NordBau 2024 trade fair was a complete success. With the presentation of the Impaktor 250 EVO II and the introduction of the new Impaktor 850, we have once again shown that we are one of the leading providers of shredding technology. The positive response and the high demand for our machines confirm that our innovations are in tune with the times.
We would like to thank all visitors and interested parties who visited us at the trade fair and look forward to making an important contribution to the construction industry and the recycling sector with our high-performance machines in the future.